The Tech M&A Podcast is presented by Corum Group, the global leader in tech M&A. The podcast features special reports on sectors, buyers, trends and M&A processes, as well as panel discussions and Q&A featuring both recent sellers and major tech buyers like Google, Microsoft, Salesforce and others.
Corum VP of Research Elon Gasper and research analyst Alina
Soltys provide insight on what the departure of Steve Ballmer means
for tech M&A. In addition, they provide speculation on who will
be taking over the Microsoft CEO helm.
About the Podcast
The Tech M&A Podcast is presented by Corum Group, the global leader in tech M&A. The podcast features special reports on sectors, buyers, trends and M&A processes, as well as panel discussions and Q&A featuring both recent sellers and major tech buyers like Google, Microsoft, Salesforce and others.