Jul 31, 2013
In the fifth installment of our series, Corum director Rob Schram talks about discovering information about potential buyers and your business' potential in the market.
To learn more about tech M&A, visit www.corumgroup.com
Jul 29, 2013
In the fourth installment of our series, 10 Steps to Successfully Sell, Corum Vice President Jeff Brown talks about finding great contacts.
To learn more about Tech M&A, visit www.corumgroup.com
Jul 26, 2013
In the third installment of our series, Corum regional director Ed Ossie talks about doing researh when selling your business.
To learn more about tech M&A, visit www.corumgroup.com
Jul 24, 2013
In this series, Corum CEO Bruce Milne discusses the 10 steps to sell your business. In the second installment, regional director Jim Allen talks about preparation.
Jul 22, 2013
In this new series, Corum CEO Bruce Milne discusses the 10 steps to successfully sell your business. In this first installment Corum regional director Jim Perkins talks about the decision to sell.