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The Tech M&A Podcast

The Tech M&A Podcast is presented by Corum Group, the global leader in tech M&A. The podcast features special reports on sectors, buyers, trends and M&A processes, as well as panel discussions and Q&A featuring both recent sellers and major tech buyers like Google, Microsoft, Salesforce and others.

Tech M&A Monthly Webcast: Tips for Successful Post-Merger Integration

Nov 29, 2023

Over half of all M&A deals fail to meet expectations because of improper planning and execution. This results not only in financial losses, but can also damage employee morale, corporate culture and brand reputation.

Join us on November 9th for Corum’s Tech M&A Monthly, “Tips for Successful Post-Merger Integration” where we’ll share advice on how to avoid post-merger pitfalls.


The webcast will cover:

  • November’s Tech M&A Research Report (key deals, trends and current valuations)
  • Buyers Corner: Best Practices for NDAs
  • Special Report: Tips for Successful Post-Merger Integration
  • CEO Report: The 60 Documents You Need in the M&A Process

Don't let your M&A transaction become another disappointing statistic. 

Corum's Tech M&A Monthly is a regular podcast series for software company owners, executives and CEOs. Each month, Corum Group, the world's leading M&A firm for software and related technology companies, examines the world of Tech M&A. In addition, Tech M&A Monthly includes special reports on buyers, markets and the M&A process itself. This thirty-minute webcast is a must for owners and CEOs considering Tech M&A, whether now or in the future.